The quality of the Internet hosting service which you get for your websites is dependent not only on the attributes which a certain plan contains, but also on the hardware your web apps run on. Higher CPU speeds, for example, mean that the processes running on the server will be carried out quicker, while additional physical memory (RAM) suggests that even more processes can run concurrently. The quality of the hardware may also have an effect on the general performance and reliability of the server. As the web hosting service these days features not only file storage, but also databases, email messages, logs, etcetera, additional processing power is needed to run all system processes and to ensure that they function effectively and without lag. If the hardware is not powerful enough, the result will be sluggish Internet sites and / or even service timeouts as the machine will not be able to handle all requests to the websites hosted on it.
24-core servers, hardware in Website Hosting
The website hosting accounts that we offer are created on powerful hosting servers that will guarantee the best possible performance of your web apps at all times. Each aspect of the service will be taken care of by a different cluster of servers and each machine within a cluster is equipped with powerful 24-core enterprise-class processors and 64 GB RAM, so you'll be able to run resource-demanding scripts without having to worry that your plan will not be able to deal with the load. Our machines are redundant, which enables us to guarantee that you will never experience any downtime of your sites. The combination of powerful hardware together with a cloud configuration also means that the system resources available to you will be virtually inexhaustible as in contrast to many companies, we aren't limited by the hardware of a single machine that can provide a limited amount of power. What's more, all servers which we use contain NVMe drives which will raise the speed and performance of your websites even further.
24-core servers, hardware in Semi-dedicated Servers
In case you buy a semi-dedicated server account from our firm, it will be generated on an advanced cloud hosting platform that employs new and really powerful hosting servers. 24-core processors and 64 GB RAM will ensure that all of your sites will operate fast and without service interruptions. The overall system resources that we have at our disposal are virtually endless due to the fact that we use a cloud platform where each and every part of the service is managed by an entire cluster of servers. If we need additional power, we just connect more machines where they are needed and in case we would like to have additional disk space for files or databases, we insert more NVMe drives. The NVMes which all of our servers use will enhance the speed and reliability of your sites even more.
24-core servers, hardware in VPS Servers
The VPS servers that we offer are made on powerful physical servers, so you'll be able to fully utilize the system resources which are provided with your solution. Each and every machine comes with as many as 24 CPU cores and 64 GB physical memory, that shall guarantee the quick and secure operation of any app which you run on the VPS. In case you wish to upgrade, you won't experience a situation where the available system resources are not sufficient because when we set up a new virtual server, we always make sure that there will be room for every single user on it to upgrade without having to affect the remaining users and the overall server efficiency. We also employ NVMe drives which will speed up your sites even more, so in case you are moving from another service provider, you will definitely notice the difference in the service.
24-core servers, hardware in Dedicated Servers
The dedicated servers that we offer come with several hardware setups so as to give you a choice to get the most appropriate one with regards to the system resources you need and the funds you have, but all of them are rather powerful and will offer top-notch performance for any kind of Internet site. Based on what you want to run, you can employ as many as 12 CPU cores with over 24 GHz processing speed along with as much as 16 GB of physical memory entirely for your web apps. All of the components that we use for the servers are tested diligently both before and after the server is assembled to make sure that there is no faulty hardware. In case any issue presents itself nonetheless, the support crew that is available 24/7 in our US datacenter can easily replace any component and recover the adequate operation of your server within no more than a few minutes.